Sunday, May 29, 2011


So I think I might have a problem, I love shopping and all the things that come with it and my love of shopping  isn’t restricted to just clothing but to food and decor as well. I like nice things, like I’m sure most people do, but I often land up buying what I don’t really need.

Being a student is no fun, there is no stable income source of my own so my shopping habits in the last few months have been reduced in frequency. When I worked I would walk into the shops and anything I liked I would buy, I thought nothing of swiping my poor card. The worst part of all was that as part of my job I had to visit every mall in Cape Town once a week, now you can just imagine how torturous that must have been; it was like my job knew my love of shopping and forced me to act on it.

Once I’m done with this whole student thing I have made a decision, perhaps a silly decision, to blow my first pay cheque on the activity I love so

1 comment:

  1. Haha, love this! I'm exactly the same! Have been having withdrawal symptoms lately :( I like your idea of ur first paycheck. Think i'll use that idea too :)
