Monday, March 28, 2011

Season Finale

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer there is only one conclusion to be made...winter is at our door step just waiting to come in. Just this past week I experienced four seasons in a couple of days but when you live in Cape Town this becomes the norm.

The other day I was getting ready to unpack my ‘winter’ clothes, I usually wait until the very last sunny day to do this depressing task as it means finally giving in to winter.  Winter isn’t all that bad though except for being as pale as a ghost, that’s never fun, it has its perks. Such as hot chocolate, snuggling in front of a warm fire, comfy winter pjs and marathon movie nights but still it’s not as good as having sundowners, spending days lazing at the beach or pool or shopping for cute bikinis.

So it is nearly time to say good bye to March and officially welcome April and with that the start of winter but hopefully we will get a few more warm sunny days to cherish before we have to say goodbye until spring. 

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